Discover the PROVEN SYSTEM that Generated $896k in Semi-Automated RECURRING REVENUE from Local Clients...
Get Access to the Recordings for 77% Off Today!
Discover the PROVEN System that Brings in Recurring Clients and KEEPS Them Paying for Years with Minimal Ongoing Work!
In the first session we'll go over getting your system in place so that you can take on as many clients as you get.
We'll show you how to get a solid setup online, proof you know what your doing and everything in between.
You'll also learn our best tricks for outsourcing including how we post to find good people, train them and more.
Finally, you'll get to know the best services to offer as foot in the door openers and how to deliver them easily.
Here's what you'll learn during this LIVE Training....
While method come and go, there is one thing that doesn't change when it comes to local marketing and that is the demand for leads.
In fact, the demand is higher than ever right now which is perfect for us.
This system is actively working for clients right now in 2022 using current techniques with the same proven model.
Not only can you get clients coming to you, for years to come, looking to buy...
But you can also get a percentage of those clients, to become monthly recurring and keep them on for years as well.
The best part is there is very little ongoing work, after the initial setup and clients often increase their budget, which is amazing.
During this one of kind training, we're going to walk you through creating amazing results for yourself AND your clients, just like we do.
Get Access to the Recordings Instantly for a Fraction of the Normal Pricing!
Talk Soon!

Neil Macpherson

Robert Dickson
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Week #1Basic Training
Week #2 - Winning the Client Battle
The hardest thing for most people trying to build an agency is actually getting the clients.
With hundred of clients under our belts, we have developed proven strategies that will get clients coming to YOU, looking to BUY.
You'll learn how to sell these prospects without really selling and build an army of people to send you referrals.
After you go through this week, you'll be armed with everything you need to land client for years to come.
Week #3 - Strategic Services
In this session we'll show you how we deliver all of these services easily with minimal need for much ongoing.
Learn the easiest FB strategies, Quick Google Ads that kill it.
How to leverage call tracking to send undeniable leads to clients.
Proven and current SEO strategies that make life even easier than ever before.
Email marketing and even social posting that's easy and can be outsourced.
Week #4 - Semi-Auto Ongoing
In the final training session, we cover how to keep clients paying for as long as possible, increase their budget and send you all their friends!
We'll cover deal closing, proposals, research to upsells, and more.
Plus you'll get our proposal templates and contracts which we'll cover this week as well!
- The Complete Six Figure Recurring System
- How to Get Clients Coming to YOU
- Creating a Massive Referral Network
- Prospecting Tactics Online & Offline
- How to Outsource Effectively as Needed
- Creating a Killer Agency Site & Portfolio
- Front End Services to Get Your Foot in the Door
- Easy/Automated Monthly Service Solutions
- Getting Clients to Know, Like & Trust You
- Ninja Sales Strategies for Easy Closing
- Referrals from Everywhere, All the Time
- Cutting Edge Yet Easy Local SEO Methods
- Let Google Do the Heavy Lifting Ad Creation
- Super Simple FB Ads that Work for Local
- Automated Reputation Management Setup
- Email Marketing Campaign Tips
- Social Media Posting on Autopilot
- And much more!
This Battle Tested Agency Model Brought in over $869k in RECURRING Client Revenue in the Last Five Years Alone!!

Proven. Reliable. Sustainable.
Model this Exact System During this Special 30-Day LIVE Training on Building a Sustainable Recurring Client Base...

Plus you get Instant Access to Our DFY War Chest When You Sign Up Today...

Don't Pass up Your Chance to Build a Sustainable Recurring Agency with Our Proven System...
Robert and I have worked hard to make this the best possible kick start your agency could have in 2022! We are looking forward to seeing all the success stories.
If you're on the fence I'll say this...
The price for this level of hands on training, DFY assets, software and more is bananas.
If we do this again, it will likely cost way more.
And because we're offering private strategy calls, we can only do so many.
The spots for this are limited, so make sure you jump in now while there are still some available.
Anybody can build a recurring agency that stands the time of any economy with the right system, training and tools.
Local Marketing Bootcamp has everything you need to make it happen.
It's time to take action and create some serious recurring income for yourself.
Sign Up Today to Start Watching Now and Get Instant Access to the War Chest!
Deal Ends Soon, Don't wait because this is the lowest price you'll get on the recordings!
Special Offer Ends Soon, Don't wait!
Deal Ends Soon, Don't miss the lowest price ever on this!
(Make sure your sound is turned on!)
Questions? Contact support@marketmainframe.com
Get Access to the Recordings for 77% During Our Summer Special Discounts!